Our Cape Parrots are fiercely protected here in Hogsback as it is one of the few places in the world where you still find them. Come and learn more about these beautiful birds and see them in flight. There will be a talk about them on Saturday afternoon (15h00-16h00, Sat 27 July)) at the Hogsback Inn. The session will be repeated on Sunday between 11am and 12am.
There will also be a Cape Parrot Stall at the Butterfly’s Bistro where you can support the Cape Parrot Project by buying clothing and you will also be able to get flyers and more information.
If you really want to experience them up close and personal, make a booking to watch them early in the morning with Kate. The cost is R150 pp (adults) and R50 pp (under 18). You can contact Kate at 072 077 0214