Garden club cleans the verges

Hogsback garden club cleans up the verges

Good morning, here just a short feedback on the cleaning up of the verges on Wednesday. We had the most wonderful turn-out of helpers. All in all we had 22 people who assisted us. As always The Edge with two people, Maple Grove, Lyn & Julian, Nutwoods Park , Carol Collins, Carol Nieth, Stu & Gemma, Little Timbers, Dr. Delport, Arminel Hotel, Lisa & Rory Odendaal, Dunaverty x 3, Cape Parrot Project x 6, and Jan & Linda Delport.

We received cash donations of R1200,00 from Paul & Suzie, Peter McLaughlin, The Chocolate shoppe, and Shannon. Sandwiches and cold drinks were donated by Gerard & Naomi Du Plessis, Wayne Webb & Kretschmar and Glen & Tony.

My special thanks to Bridget, Carol Nieth and Gigi who spent the day assisting with supervision and helping. The entire day was spent in great spirit and my sincere thanks to all of you and your helpers. We made great inroad, please comment when you drive past .

Tristan from AFC helped us with a crew of 4 taking the rubbish away and still have been cleaning up yesterday.

It was the first time after COVID that we all felt a wonderful community spirit. Thank you all once again. We would like to do this once a month for one day. We have stopped our planting plan until our Main Road has been fixed. This naturally creates quite a mess, as we can all see at the bottom of our village.

Have a wonderful autumn day

Monica Hof