The Hogsback community is heartbroken at the passing of our dearest friend and doctor on Sunday morning 20 June 2021.
A memorial service will be held on Friday 25 June at 2 pm. It will take place outdoors at the Hogsback Medical Centre on Wolfridge Road. Covid 19 protocols regarding outdoor gatherings will be followed strictly (Masks, social distancing, bring your hand sanitiser, 100 people, 2 hours, NO HUGGING). Bring a blanket or chair to sit on and a plate of eats if you can. The family ask that you bring a rock to build a bench for us to rest on.
Park at Swallows Tail parking area in Wolfridge Road or at the end of Hydrangea Lane (there will be boards). Do not drive into the practice grounds! Johan would have wanted us to get some exercise!
Live Broadcast
The service was live streamed via Facebook. Just follow this link:
Feel free to leave any messages for Johan’s family and friends on this page. We encourage you to share your recollections of this remarkable human being. Let’s celebrate his life. You can also WhatsApp messages (even voice messages) to this number +27 73 110 0878. We will then transfer it to this memorial page.
Memorial brochure
Johan would have wanted us not to print his memorial brochure, so you can download it from here.
Don’t forget to leave a message down here…Scroll to the bottom
Dear Johan. How can I ever forget you! After a freak accident with a glass gin dispenser, at a wedding we were hosting, you arrived at my house, loaded my son and I into your car, drove us to your rooms and stitched us both up. I was petrified and you were so kind and gentle, chatting to me all the time whilst stitching my hand and then that of my son.
Then when my entire world fell apart, you gently picked me up, cushioned me with your gentle spirit and carefully put me back to pieces.
I got so used to your hugs and your beautiful smile. RIP sweet man. You are sorely missed already xxx
Dr.Delport (our Johan) was such a special soft and caring doctor. We all were breathing a sigh of relieve when he came to Hogsback . We did not need to worry anymore where we would need to rush off to in case of an emergency. He was a special human being, kind and compassionate. We will miss him dearly . Wishing his partner Ernest and his family the strength to cope with this sudden and unexpected loss. We are mourning this special soul. Monika and Marissa
I would love to be there but unfortunately won’t be in Hogsback.
To Ernest and Johans family, my deepest sympathy goes out to you. He was such a gentle, caring man. I can’t imagine the loss you are all feeling.
My thoughts will be with you on Friday as you remember his journey.
Much love
Liewe vriend en kollega,
My hart is stukkend as ek aan jou jong lewe, en die begin van n loopbaan hier in Hogsback terug dink. Met jou sagte en deernisvolle aanslag, het jy jouself gegee vir hierdie gemeenskap.
Rus nou in vrede.
Baie sterkte en genade aan elkeen van die naby familie wat die allen-pad nou moet stap.
Dear can i ever forget you! after a Migraine that almost killed me , when I couldn’t even attend school because I was too sick to go to school . Until I came at your Medical practice and you helped me so I could be able to attend school,you really helped me a lot and I will forever be grateful for what you did for me Doc.May your beautiful soul rest in peace
Dr Johan came as an angel to our community and left it as an angel. He was a Doctor and a Beautiful Human Being. We were blessed with his short presence amongst us and left with a deep sense of loss at his untimely passing. We pray for his partner Ernest , his mom Magda and his family for strength in their sorrow .
RIP ❤️ Darling Johan…
Dear Johan, your kind soul has left this world too early. I’ll always remember those early Sunday mornings and other inconvenient times when you helped me put dogs and cats on a drip, when you calmly took care of my mom after she fell and understood my panic, when you and Ernest adopted your 3 girls and your eyes were full of happiness watching Ernest cuddling the pack in his lap… and then opened your heart to our senior dogs when no one else wanted them… I’m grateful our lives crossed path! You were the kind of person who restores faith in humanity, the kind of person we all can learn from and look up to!
Ernest, Magda and Johan’s family and friends – I’m sending you all love, strength and light!
Dr Johan managed to impress with gentleness and caring, a remarkable achievement. His presence was sorely needed in Hogsback and we can only hope that his presence in another world is not entirely lost to us.
There are no words to describe the heartache, and no words that could take away the pain of your loss to your partner, family and close friends. An amazing man taken way to soon. Shoes that will be very hard to fill left behind. Jy was nie net n Dokter duisend, maar ook n vriend tien duisend. Jou liefde en lus vir die lewe, jou passie om te help is n les vir ons almal. A true professional, a brilliant doctor and the most amazing friend. Ek gaan jou ongelooflik baie mis my maat. Rus sag en weet ons was baie baie lief vir jou.
Our deepest condolences to Ernest, Magda & all other family.
Thinking of you all with the grief of Johan’s passing. What a beautiful soul he was. Full of love and compassion. He will be remembered fondly by his friends. I knew Johan from university days and I will cherish the fond memories from then
My condolences to his family and all those close to him
As wild vreemdelinge 4 jaar terug, het ons ‘n spesiale band ontwikkel. As vriend, was Jy eerlik, jy het deernis gehad vir jou mense, en as dokter altyd meer gedoen as wat nodig was. Die wêreld is een amazing mens kort nou. Jy sal verseker vir ewig in ons harte bly. The only proof that you ever existed, is the memories people have of you. Daar is skatkiste vol.
Dr Johan was like an angel sent to us up here in Hogsback. We have been praying for a doctor for so long and when he finally arrived, like a breath of fresh air, we were so utterly delighted. All the “older” folks sighed in relief. We now had an on-demand overseer for all our aches and pains- real or imaginary!
Johan quickly became, not only the doctor, but also a dear friend to everybody. He got stuck in boots and all. He was always paraat and involved. He was always there for everybody, always, even when he knew that he would have to bear the costs. He never hesitated. We loved his energy and when he dragged us all out all over the town, to do the Jerusalema, we could not say no and huffed and puffed our way through it. (Okay some of us).
He looked after us, not just physically, but also emotionally. In a crazy town like Hogsback, which is basically an open-air asylum, this is no easy feat. I am sure that this must have been quite draining on him. We are also so grateful for Magda, his mom, who joined in when he was away and for Ernest, who was by his side in everything that he did. And my heart just breaks for those dear ones left behind. Know this. You are part of our community. We love you and we are there for you, crazy or not!
Johan was an old school doctor with new school meds. He did house visits and stayed for coffee and a chat. I can remember when I got attacked by my bees, he was here in a jiffy. The bees could take a lesson or two on how to do gentle stings from him- his injections were brilliant! He took the time to talk you through your ailments and always had down to earth advice.
So, how are we going to cope without you, Dr Johan? I really don’t know.
Once the numbness and shock have eased a bit, I am sure we will all go into a mad panic and scramble. That is not what you would want, I can hear you say. You would want us to be strong, united, joyful about the precious time that we had with you. You would like us to be healthy and happy. So, I will be starting my diet that you have been nagging about, in the week after next. For now, I need to eat lots of chocolate to get me through this sadness.
May God and all His angels guide your family and friends tightly through this painful journey, knowing that you are doing the Jerusalema in Heaven. Let’s raise a glass to our doctor, who will be missed, but who will be in our hearts forever.
I read your thoughts with tears, Maggie. It still seems to raw and unbelievable to be saying goodbye, or to watch the Jerusalema; maube next year.
YES Johan was an old-fashioned doctor with fresh knowledge and an ear to listen carefully; then diagnose. A scientist, but also a dreamer – the picture says it all. He dreamed big and CARED and worked so hard. I would imagine him as one of the wise old country doctors you saw movies about in the American outback, after he’d weathered the storms of starting a practice in a country village. It’s too soon to say goodbye, so we’ll keep you in our hearts and thoughts and trust you are with the Father in His house.
Maggie those words are so special. You put it beautifully and this is how we are all feeling. Absolutely broken. Ernest and Magda and the rest of your family. You are in our thoughts and prayers
What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful man. We are all going to miss him madly. RIP Dr Johan.
There are not enough words to convey how johan will be missed. He was an amazing friend to sugne and myself and we were privileged to have known such a caring, genuine person and have him share time with us. Some people were put on earth for a purpose, johan’s was making people better. Not just in the sense of his professional capacity as a doctor, but being an example of how people should live.
He was kind, patient, honest and an example to people. He was a man that most parents hope their child will become and I can’t begin to imagine how proud his family must have been.
We are honoured to have been his friend and share some very special moments with both him and Ernest, that will be with us always.
I hope that memories of Johan bring comfort to those closest to him during the difficult time ahead and that the stories people share bring comfort.
I know his memory will live on in all the lives he has touched, and we will be telling our own son about his uncle Johan when he is born.
My thoughts and prayers are with Ernest and Johan’s family.
I learnt with shock last night about Dr. Johan Delports passing. Johan was my best friend in Eendrag koshuis when we studied together at University. We spent so many evenings drinking coffee, talking nonsens and sometimes raiding cookies from the other rooms when we ran out! He was a gifted dancer, part of a troupe of Church dancers in the Student Church. He was a lot of fun. One of my fondest memories of him is of us going for a hike in jonkersjoek when it snowed and our pathetic attempt at a snowman! Johan also suffered. His coming out was painful for him and he felt estranged from his devout Christian faith. Johan and i kept in touch periodically over the years but eventually we went our seperate ways. I realize now that he deserved more from me as a friend. Reading the testimonies of everyone from Hogsback, its incredible how he developed into a pillar of the community. My sincerest thanks to the Hogsback community for their warm welcome and acceptance of Dr Delport, and allowing him to live his special vocation to the full. My deep gratitude also to Ernest for being the companion and lover Johan longed for. Johan, i shall not forget you old friend.
Words can’t express the sadness felt from this loss. Johan had a gentle voice and a kind spirit that immediately put you at ease. He was instantly your best friend. He cared, genuinely, and that is such a rare quality in today’s world. As a doctor, he was the best. As a human being, he was even better. I never got the chance to say Thank You for being my friend… But I hope you knew how much you were loved, and still are loved, by all of us.
Liefste Johan
Die afgelope paar dae maal al die herinneringe saam met jou, deur my kop. Hoe ons ontmoet het en hoe jy in die moeilikste tye in my lewe vir my ‘n steunpilaar was. Die honderde koppies tee in jou koshuiskamer, die Oxlos-oefeninge en -optredes, sokkies en huisdanse, die skoen-speletjie op ons troue, kuiers by my ouerhuise asook in Bellville, Bloem en PE. Ek onthou jou stories van Parraikie Kwaak en Abigail, die langbeenspinnekop wat haar tuiste in jou kombuis gemaak het.
Jy was ‘n uitsonderlike en spesiale mens, “the one and only” – TOAO – soos jy baie keer aan die einde van jou boodskappe getik het. Dankie dat jy my ma beter verstaan het as ek, en vir haar gaan kuier het toe ek oorsee gewerk het. Dankie dat ek enige tyd op jou nommer kon druk vir mediese raad omdat die Chinese dokters, volgens my, niks weet nie. Dankie dat ek kon afpak by jou wanneer dinge te veel geraak het. Dankie dat jy bereid was om vir ons die grootste geskenk te gee. Ek kan net die Here dank dat ek bevoorreg was om ‘n vriend soos jy in my lewe te hê.
Dis moelik om te glo dat jy nie meer die aarde bewoon nie. Sprei jou engelvlerke en vlieg hoog! Jy is altyd in my hart!
Ek dra Ernest, Tannie Magda en oom George, Japie en Anne-Marie en hulle gesinne, asook Johan se ouma in my gebede aan die Here op. Mag julle vertroosting en vrede vind.
Baie liefde, Riette
Dis so so onwerklik. Jou stem is stil maar jy lééf nog in ons harte. Ons het so uitgesien om vir jou te kom kuier sodra Covid sou toelaat dat ons kon kom kuier. Jou vriendskap en net jou mens wees gaan verskriklik baie gemis word. Op Hogsback het jou siel rus gekry,my vriend. Tot weersiens,vlieg hoog.
Liefde altyd,
Heinrich Claassens
Ons ken jou as Anna se broer, op ‘n tyd ons dokter en die master van ‘bling up’ vir ons skool konsent. Ons het jou nie persoonlik baie goed geken nie, maar ons harte is baie seer saam met jou familie en geliefdes. Steeds het ons geweet van al jou wonderlike challenges en sukses, want jou sussie het altyd met trots van jou gepraat. Ons weet wat ‘n fantastiese oom, broer, seun en vriend wat jy vir almal was. Ons weet dat jy ‘n wonderlike mens was, altyd geglimlag het en dat jy ander inspireer het. Jy los ‘n groot leemte. Jy was ‘n legend! Mag al die pragtige ‘memories’ van jou voort leef in almal se harte. God het een van sy mooiste engele kom haal. Rus in vrede Johan.
Johan, i have been so sad about this news. He come to me as an client in my hairsalon in port Elizabeth, he then become my friend and i could just share my heart with him. Us at Hair by Tanya will surely miss him deeply…….
Dr Johan I was hoping you’ll grow older with us in Hogsback, it’s hard to accept that we won’t see you again but if you can’t change the situation you have to accept it. I wish you can see the pain you left behind. May your beautiful soul rest in peace
Sjo Johan, you were gone to fast for us. May it be that your soul knows how much you were loved and appreciated. Love and strength to Ernest and your family. And for the rest of us in Hogsback too. I share a piece of music that reminds me of your noble and gentle spirit.
Dr Johan, you have left a big gap in the short time that you were in Hogsback, also for those of us on the other side of the mountain. All your care and attention, your being there at all hours, and so much more…. We miss you.
We have lovely memories of fun times with you at weddings, lunches at the farm.
Ernst, Magda and family we send lots of love… All the Whyles
Rus sag Dr Delport, dankie vir al jou raad en omgee jy was n yster vlieg hoog. 💕
I met him only once, we’d asked for some meds to be prescribed for Ed. Dr Johan had a bit of flu at the time, but came forth anyhow, in his gown, nogal, smiling and waving away any concern that we might be inconveniencing him, climbing barefoot, nimbly and spontaneously as a child up to reach from a top shelf the tablets he wanted to give. He did not charge for his time, gave advice and instructions as freely and naturally as if he were one of the trees or grasses outside his practice. It was the most unusual encounter I have ever had with any doctor … elf-like, there was something enchanted, yet utterly real and of the earth that ruled that moment.
I feel for your loved ones and pray that your spirit may reach through to comfort and reassure them in their human shock and grief.
I had the pleasure of meeting and chatting a while only once in person at a Wedding at Hogrock Falls.
Dr Johan exchanged banter on the group and privately regarding his Practice.
To me, he was a gentle old soul, yet extremely business savvy, with a wonderful sense of humor.
He adored Hogsback and was working towards his ultimate goal of only working in Hogsback and not practicing elsewhere.
Dr Johan, you were taken before reaching your goal, but you certainly achieved so much more, by touching the lives of many, who will never forget the legacy of love you have now left behind.
Your work on earth is done and God takes His Angels in His time, despite the heartache and pain so many are experiencing.
May God give Ernest, His Mum, family and friends the strength to walk this journey, filled with loss and pain and comfort throughout the days ahead.
Your infectious smile and gentle soul will be sorely missed.
Thank you for being the devoted Dr and friend on the magical mountain of Hogsback.
Liefste Johan,
Ons sal jou altyd onthou as ons slim, kunstige, grappige en vriendelike nefie.
Rus in Vrede Neef.
Gaan jou mis.
Liefde Enid, Betsie, Oom Gert, Marko en Marlia
Liefste Johan
Niks kan beskryf watter groot leemte jy in my lewe los nie. Ek het deur al die jare so baie op jou gesteun. Jy het baie gese dat al hoor ek vir lank nie van jou nie moet ek net weet dat wanneer ek jou rerig nodig het sal jy daar wees, en dit is so waar.
My woorde is min, want my seer is so groot. Jy was my beste vriend, maar soveel meer as net ‘n vriend. Ons het saam ‘n kar ongeluk oorleef waar niemand lewend moes uitklim nie, dit was nog nie ons tyd nie, jy het soveel vermag na dit en ‘n dokter geword, ek wens net jy kon nog langer he, jy het so baie mense se lewens impakteer.
Goeie herhinderinge:
Die dag wat ons ontmoet het by die ballroom kompetisie in ons 1e jaar, min het ek geweet ‘n lewenslange vriendskap gaan op daardie dag vorm, ons het onmiddelik gekliek
Al die funksies wat ons saam bygewoon het en random pret
Die verrassings partytjie wat jy, Conrad en Esti vir my gereel het
Toe ons by Carien se troue die hele aand gesit en gesels het tot in die oggend ure en gegil en hardloop het vir die vlermuis in die bos
Al die kere wat jy gehelp het met raad
Toe jy in my pa se plek geteken het by ons troue
Toe jy instem om Phillip se Peetpa te wees
Dat jy dadelik ‘n vliegtuigkaartjie gekoop het toe jy hoor ek gaan ‘n nood keiser kry
Toe jy voorstel dat ons vir Phillip goggas koop omdat hy so bang is vir hulle en hy so geniet het om met hul te speel en jy chuffed was dat jy so slim is – ongelukkig hou hy nog van die speelgoed goggas, maar is steeds bang vir regte goggas…
Toe jy vir my gese het jy is trots op my dat ek my eie toerisme besigheid gaan begin met my ma se lewens polis geld, dit was ook dieselfde tyd wat jy jou droom met Hogsback begin het.
Altyd wanneer jy gesê het “Net omdat jy kan beteken nie jy moet nie”
Wat gaan ek mis:
Net vir jou en die mens wat jy was
Om jou enige tyd te kan kontak as ons bekommerd is oor Phillip of net om te chat omdat die lewe te deurmekaar is
Om by jou te gaan kuier en dat jy en Phillip mekaar beter kon leer ken
Dat Phillip by jou skoolvakansies sou kom kuier, hy sou so baie van jou leer en ek weet jy was so opgewonde om so groot rol in sy lewe te speel.
Ek gaan veral mis om saam met jou oud te word en dat ons al ons lewens ervarings met mekaar sou bly deel, jy het net te groot rol in my lewe gespeel en ek weet nie lekker hoe om sin te maak van die lewe sonder jou nie.
Dankie dat jy deel was van my lewe, jy was amazing en my hart is stukkend dat jy nie meer hier is nie. Jy het altyd vertroosting gebring, ek wens jy kan my nou ook troos, maar ek probeer my troos dat ek so gelukkig is dat jy so groot deel was van my lewe vir die laaste 20 jaar, ‘n amazing vriendskap wat min mense het in hul lewe. Ek dink in hierdie tyd ook baie aan jou gesin en Ernest.
Lief jou vir ewig
You were amazing and I am so happy to have had the privilege to know you. You were the wind beneath my wings in the past 6 months. You encouraged me, believed in me, and with you behind and with me, I had all the courage I needed to step out and make the dream that’s been brewing in me for years, a reality. Thank you!
You will be sorely missed and I will always remember you and what you’ve done for me.
Rest in peace beautiful soul xx
My condolences to the family and Ernest. May you be comforted by God and the angels through this time <3
We are all heart broken at your loss. Deep gratitude for always being available in times of need and your expert help that I have experienced. Strength to Magda and Ernest and all those close to you.
Ai Johan, het jou nie lank geken nie, maar jyt dadelik ‘n impak op my lewe gemaak, jou positiwiteit, vriendelikheid en goedhartigheid sal altyd by my bly. Wie gaan nou vir Lizna stront vertel en haar been trek.
Dankie dat jy altyd daar was as ons jou nodig gehad het, dankie dat jy in Phillip se kort lewe was, dink julle twee sou sy ma grensloos geterg het.
Jy sal altyd in my gedagtes wees, gaan jou grappe mis en meer gaan jou mens wees mis. Rus sag my vriend….
Dr Johan, I will always remember you, your kind heart and beautiful smile always made me feel better. I am so heart broken at your loss and can’t believe that you’re gone. I will always remember what you told me, you said it is OK not to be ok Maureen.
Till we meet again dearest Dr, I can’t wait to see you again wherever it may be.
I love you
So deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Johan
If it wasnt for him, I would hate to think what would have happen to Brandon, my son when he had Covid. Thanks to his thoughtfulness and sincere love for being a Dr he went out of his way, doing numerous home visits including giving him Oxegen. Hogsback have lost a truly fabulous Dr. My thoughts and prayers to his family.
Liefste Johan, ek is so bly , ek het die kans gehad om jou te ontmoet en n paar keer lekker gekuier. Ook eerstehands te sien , die awesome mens is , wat soveel mense gesê het jy is. Jy was en is nou nog , baie mense se helpende en beskermende engel. Jy het goed gedoen. Jy sal in baie mense se hart voortleef. Trudie
Dear Johan, you were a gentle and generous soul who was there for all of us when we needed you. We are blessed to have known you and, one way or another, you will always be part of Hogsback. Love, Felicity and Mathew
Groot was ons blydskap toe ons van Port Elizabeth n boodskap kry dat ene Dr Johan Delport Hogsback gekies het as sy nuwe tuiste. PE se verlies, ons wins. Met sy persoonlikheid, mense liefde, medelye, hulp, lekker lag en sy liefde vir diere, het hy diep spore in ons harte getrap. Hy het deel an ons elkedag geword. Ons ook, het so lief geword vir hom. Ons gaan hom mis. Dankie aan sy Ouers, broer en suster, en hul gesinne, en Ernest dat jul hom met ons gedeel het.
To our beautiful, loving, kind, angel Dr. Johan, Ernest and family
We know you will never leave us,
You are here within us each day,
When we wake up in the morning
And when we kneel down at night to pray.
You are the sunshine in our lives
And the shadows on the ground
And all we have to do to see you
Is just to look around.
You have warmed all our hearts,
And made all our lives worthwhile
And may we always cherish the memory
Of your wonderful friendly smile.
You were always here to give us comfort
And to show us that you care
And your precious love is a lifetime gift
That we will treasure and always share.
You have enriched our lives,
In a way that no one ever will
And we all love and miss you
And our hearts are with you still…
Whatever we were to each other, that we still are
And your love and compassion and friendliness
Make you shine like the brightest star!
And wherever you went in life
You always brought the sun
And if we ever know someone special
You certainly were the one.
We know you are waiting for us,
Somewhere very near
And all is well with your soul
As we shed a silent tear.
And we know that the angel’s souls
And yours
Have united and become one.
And your time of peace and tranquility
Has only just begun.
We know the angels will keep you safe
And you will have no pain
In the warmth and glow
Of their wonderful love
Until we meet again.
We love you, may you rest in peace
Love Linda van Eeden
Wow!! Wonderful poem Linda. Are you going to be there tomorrow?
Dearest Johan
My heart aches at the loss of you… so dear to us and so gentle. I miss you so much. Your heart was so beautiful and your manner so incredibly caring and warm, your soul so gentle and deep 💕
All my love
Cheryl Flowers 💐
😢Dr was n wonderlike mens.So geskok om te hoor dat Dr nie meer hier is nie.Voel so vreeslik hartseer.Baie liefde en ongelooflik baie sterkte vir Dr se gesin😢
(Via Facebook)
Rus sag Dr Delport, dankie vir al jou raad en omgee jy was n yster vlieg hoog. 💕
(via Facebook)
Dr Johan was an amazing human being. We had a privilege to spread time with him. He was so down to earth and helped me through Covid with the help of Ernest. He had a heart of gold and had so much more on earth.
We are all going to miss you and will be hard to fill the space you have left.
Rest well Dr Johan.
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the beauty in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived here. This is to have succeeded.” Emerson
And what a success you were, Johan. May you find yourself back in the magical forest, a lone cow soaking in the morning sun for the next life that yearns for your return.
Ek sal ons laat aand / vroeë oggend ure boodskappe & geselsies nooit kan vergeet.
Ons was so op dieselfde bladsy oor soveel dinge.
Rus sag my vriend en vertroueling.
Our Deepest Condolences to your family and friends!
We have lost a true legend. A young wise man with dreams and aspirations. You had a kind and gentle spirit. They way you interact with others and taught the Nurses during Ward rounds at Aurora Hospital will ALWAYS be remembered. Sharing your life experiences with us in the presence of Ernest was truelly an inspiration. Keep wearing your funky socks, Ernest to brighten other people’s day and while Johan’s memory will live on in people’s lives, I pray that his dreams will live on in our lives. He had a servant heart. May God be our comforter and support during this this time.
My deepest condolences on the untimely passing of Dr Johan Delport. I am a Medical Rep and got to know Dr Johan at Westering Medicross. He always made time for Representatives and was a kind, caring and compassionate man. He was so excited about moving to Hogsback, opening his surgery and serving this community. Gone but never forgotten. RIP Dr Delport. 💖
Just the other day we were doing Rounds in Aurora & you said, “Good-bye, Dont call me, l will call you”… Least did l know it all meant this…. Death not be proud, You will forever be in our hearts…..
Ulale ngoxolo
We were dismayed to hear the sad news of Johan’s sudden passing. He was an asset and a blessing to us all here in Hogsback.
Johan was a truly, deeply kind man. He cared for people in a way that many modern doctors do not.
Deepest sympathy to Johan’s family and close friends as you mourn his loss.
Our deepest condolences to Johan’s family and friends as they mourn the loss of this kind, caring man.
I did not meet Dr Johan, but from the outpouring of love and grief I understand that Hogsback has not only lost their doctor, but a friend and someone who cared a lot for anyone who crossed his path, my condolences to Ernst and Magda. Dr Johan, I am sure that everyone you touched will always carry you in their heart
It is hard to describe the void that Johan’s passing has left in my world. I will remember him as a selfless spirit and a tower of strength.
He was a valiant warrior. Courageous and stubborn in his dedication, he was one of the heroes in the fight against the pandemic.
He carried the pain and suffering of his patients, the criticism of her peers, and the concern over not doing enough.
His memory is not defined by how he died but how he lived. Through his example, he demonstrated the blueprint of a physician in the truest sense of the word.
Let his dying not be in vain, but may his life remind us to live for each other.
“Those who died yesterday had plans for this morning. And those who died this morning had plans for tonight. Don’t take life for granted. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So, forgive often and love with a full heart. You never know when you may not have that chance again.”
Thank you for leaving behind a legacy of dignified strength, compassion, and kindness.
I salute you Johan.
So sad to hear you are no longer with us! I will remember you and the fun times we had at university.
(via Facebook)
Gaan ons geselsies baie mis – jy was ‘n uitsonderlike mens – ons was oor so baie dinge op dieselfde bladsy.
RUS sag my vriend tot ons weer sien.
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Johan, dit het my ‘n paar dae geneem om te aanvaar dat jy ons verlaat het. Dit was te skielik en te vroeg. My hart is stukkend! Ek gaan alles van jou so verskriklik mis! Jy laat so ‘n groot leemte agter. Ek is so lief vir jou en sal jou nooit vergeet nie, my goeie vriend. Rus in vrede.
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Kan nie glo ons gaan nie weer jou stem hoor, ñ glasie wyn geniet, Lizna tart met spinnekoppe en gesels tot in die vroegoggend ure nie. Totsiens my vriend. Gaan jou baie mis!
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I am so sad to receive your shattering news of Dr Johan’s passing. At a time like this it can be difficult to discern the hand of God, and easy to feel as if He doesn’t care. But the truth of the matter is that we only understand things in retrospect, if at all and our part is care for his loved ones, to care for each other, to trust that God will bring something worthwhile out of this loss, and then to get on with the next thing. Johan will be honoured and remembered for a long time. God grant him rest.
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Absolutely devastating. Just so surreal. Such a kind, gentle, beautiful, and generous soul. May he rest in peace. Wishing Ernest and Magda and the rest of the family much strength and love. With love from Mali & Athi.
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This is devastating news. Sending Ernest, his family and friends so much love and strength. With love from Jeremy, Crispian and Sandy.
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He was an amazing human being and helped me through a hell of a lot more than just some stomach bugs. We will carry his legacy with pride. RIP DR. Johan – to his family if there is anything the Vivier’s can do to help please say ❤️
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A truely gentle & compassionate soul, always willing to go the extra mile for us and God’s creatures. His passing will be sorely missed. Love and strength to the family.
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💫 R.I.P Dearest Johan your star burnt brightly and our time together feels too short.
Yet we are so grateful for the time, love and care that you genuinely gave. ❤️ Blessings and strength to your family.
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So sad to hear about Dr Johan. Our sympathy and condolences to Ernest, his Mom Magda and family & friends 🤗. May his soul rest in peace. Love Tristan & Melanie
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I feel so shocked and soooo sad to hear about Dr Johan-he was so kind and giving -will forever remember him-also dancing the Jerusalema…
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Ai, Johan: Hoe graag sou ek die eerder op jou 70ste verjaarsdag ’n vonkelwynglas omhoog wou hou en vir jou ’n huldeblyk lewer – op ’n uitstaande loopbaan en ’n langdurige vriendskap sedert die draai van die millennium – nie.
Ek het jou leer ken in jou eerste studiejaar op Stellenbosch, as inwoner van Eendrag manskoshuis. ’n Staatmaker wat altyd bereid was om ’n hand by te sit, of jy nou in daardie subkomitee gedien het of nie: Jy sou ’n banner help verf, ’n arend-mosaïek uitplavei, die Matiedagboek help uitlê. Altyd met deernis, kreatiwiteit en drif.
Jou studies het jou met ’n ompad, deur ’n Honneursgraad in Sielkunde, tot by ’n MBChB gevat: ’n roeping wat jy met oorgawe nagejaag het, finansies ten spyt. En uiteindelik kon jy praktiseer! Eers daar naby jou ouers op PE en tóé, waarlik op die idilliese Hogsback – ai, waar ek nog vir jou moes kom kuier het.
Dit spyt my dat ons mekaar só lanklaas gesien het, en dít laat als só onwerklik voel, asof jy nog met ons is; want jy was nog my hele grootmenslewe daar, in my corner, as vriend, gereed om te luister, te lag en sáám ’n avontuur aan te pak; ’n mens met wie ’n mens enige tyd weer die vriendskap sou kon opneem, hervat, asof ons mekaar maar die vorige dag nog gesien het.
Vir jou geliefdes, alle heil.
Ek weet ons sal nog lank oor jou treur, Johan. As ek ’n ou Vires Unitatis koshuiskoerant optel – waarvan jy die redakteur was – of dink aan Boston, daarso by Tygerberg, of sommer net ’n lekker hoenderdis maak in die oond, dan sal oombliklik, dog te kortstondig, weer by my wees. En met deernis sal ek jou onthou.
Dearest Johan. I shall miss you on our walks on the mountains and in the forests of our beloved village that you loved so much. You were certainly one of the fittest I ever walked with on The Amatola Trail, 2 years ago. I shall always remember you as the calm, friendly, warmhearted person that you were. Your untimely departure is an immense hole in our lives and our hearts. I shall always miss you dear friend.
Baie hartseer om te aanvaar ons moet Johan groet vandag 😢😢 Ons gaan hom sooooo mis, en hy laat ‘n groot leemte in die familie!😢 Sterkte aan elkeen wat hom geken het. Neef Johan het baie diep spore getrap in baie mense se lewens, en het so baie vir die familie beteken!! Sy liefde en omgee, sagte hart, gaan ons as familie baie mis!😢
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💔 Daar is geen woorde nie. My hart breek vir julle.
Johan was ‘n wonderlike mens en almal wat hom ontmoet het kon nie help on net lief te raak vir sy mooi hart en sin vir humor nie.
Die hemel is ryker, maar ons groet mekaar nou om mekaar weer te sien.
Rus sag engel mens.
Ek sal mooi na Ernest kyk, belowe.
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You were the best friend a person could ask for. Love you always, Johan ❤️
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Rip my neef… ons weet almal dat ons lewens tydlik is. Ek wens ek kon by die familie wees. Magda Delport Japie Delport Anne-marie Roelofse Amanda Delport ek het julle lief en ons bid vir julle. ♥️♥️♥️
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Our deepest Condolences 😭😭💖💙. From The Team at
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Sleep well Dr Johan 💔💔💔
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Dr Johan has left a legacy of love🙏🏻💖
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Nog steeds onwerklik…jy sal altyd in ons harte bly Johan.
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I can hear the Wind of the Holy Spirit blowing over every person and my Family there!
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Beautiful celebration of who Dr Johan was😍 I will always be comforted by his messages to the community during the pandemic and how he encouraged people to always be kind to one another. He really was a special person.
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Dear Dr Johan your kindness and care for John last year will never be forgotten. Such a special man. Our deepest sympathies to the family. John and Sue Davies
Vlieg hoog met jou Engelvlerke, ons gaan jou baie mis
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Listening on my travels Johan I am going to miss your smile and all you help and guidance. I was so happy for you when you bought the house of your dreams from me. I will miss you forever.
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Dierbaarste Johan. Ek en Jorann is dankbaar om jou op ons lewenspad te kon raakloop. Ons glimlag steeds breed wanneer ons dink aan die eerste keer wat jy nie stil en stemmig en op jou plek (soos ons jou leer ken het) was nie, maar ons uit geboul het met jou sin vir humor en die kurkdroë manier hoe jy ‘n grappie kan vertel en almal laat skater. Ons gaan jou mis. Laurika sê dit die beste in haar liedjie: Die Mense wat ek lief het…
Jy is in my hart dink aan julle jou boeta het so mooi na my gekyk by medicross toe ek bitter siek was my hand vas gehou en gese hou moed en hy was by my toe die ambulans my daar kry. Sagte liewe dokter.
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Boodskap vir Johan:
Liewe Johan. Ek gaan jou so baie mis- jou liefde, humor, wysheid, vriendskap. Jy was so spesiale vriend wat so baie omgegee het vir mense. Jy was so ‘n goeie dokter. Ek is so dankbaar dat ek jou in my lewe gehad het.
Rus sag. Baie liefde, Genevieve ❤️xo
I’ll forever be reminded of him. He gave me back my hope that healers like him do exist and that we could all find healing one day if we just held on. His love for Ernst and his mother was palpable, and I always was eager to see him because he made me feel so seen. My heart is with his loved ones, near and far, and I hope they may rest in their many clear and warm memories of his wonderful soul’s journey.
I’ll post again the poem I wrote for him:
Healer – For Doctor Johan
You did everything with serenity
gentling your way through
Charming even the most anxious
or downright hostile patients
Always the sterile rooms
of your practice felt warm
as long as you were in them
filling the space with empathy
I told you things
I thought I would never
get to say to another
living being
I guess I was right
because you’re gone
There is a lingering memory
of the sound of your voice
Where will we go now
when we need help?
How will we make sense
without your wisdom?
Lightning has split an oak
The crack reverberates
I wonder how the waterwheel
will ever turn again
Without everything
that you are
flowing like a river
through our village
– Chris Breedt
Johan – stubbornly committed to his dream of serving a village community and did so above and beyond. He was passionate, sensitive, professional but at the same time so casual that you felt you could share your challenges and medical history comfortably with him.
It is no mistake that he studied psychology before his medical degree as these skills have served so many people on the mountain and were so in need of his knowledge and compassion.
He will be missed for not only his skills as a doctor but also for the house calls and the late night visits to the communities to assist those who did not have transport or could not be moved due to injures.
We relied on him not only during his office hours but at all times, even when he was not on the mountain, when he would still assist via phone and What’s App photos of the injuries and offer as much help as possible. On a mountain rescue side we were reassured that we had medical assistance for visitors or local who had gotten themselves into trouble.
But more than the above he will be missed for his compassion, lust for life, enthusiasm and that radiant smile. Thank you, Johan for all you have given to this community. Rest gentle.
Condolences to Ernest, his family and friends. Praying that you will find comfort in the arms of God🛐🤗.
Johan – you were a beautiful soul.
You brought a breath of fresh air to our Hogsback community – we just needed you to be with us a lot longer. Your generosity and kindness and professionalism were a shining example to all of us. May your soul rest in peace.
Condolences to Ernest and Magda & family – you all have a wealth of fond memories of Johan to treasure. May you find much comfort with these memories as you allow yourselves to grieve this special soul.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.