We are very hopeful that it will snow this weekend (10-12 July) and so is EVERYBODY else as we are preparing for an influx of “snow hunters”. Almost all the accommodation establishments are full and if you are hopeful to come and stay over, you can complete the Accommodation request form, which will go out to everybody. Those who still have space left, will revert back to you. Not everybody is open yet.
We appeal to our visitors to be extra vigilant. Please wear your masks at all times and remember to keep your distance!
When I wear a mask in public, or decline an invitation to a party or to come inside:
🔵 I want you to know that I am educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.
🔵 No, I don’t “live in fear” of the virus; I just want to be part of the solution, not the problem.
🔵 I don’t feel like the “government is controlling me”, I feel like I’m being a contributing adult to society and I want to teach others the same.
🔵 The world doesn’t revolve around me. It’s not all about me and my comfort.
🔵 If we all could live with other people’s consideration in mind, this whole world would be a much better place.
🔵 Wearing a mask doesn’t make me weak, scared, stupid, or even “controlled.” It makes me considerate.
🔵 When you think about how you look, how uncomfortable it is, or what others think of you, just imagine someone close to you – a child, a father, a mother, grandparent, aunt, or uncle – choking on a respirator , alone without you or any family member allowed at bedside.
🔵 Ask yourself if you could have sucked it up a little for them.
Can you do the same ? Wearing a mask is not political. It’s being responsible!
Water wise
Our dam in getting very low again and we are asking all out guests to please use water sparingly. See our Water wise page.