Woltree Coffee and Crafts, Arts, Gifts and Goodies You will find the Woltree shop on the main Road as you come into Hogsback, across from Swallowtail camping site. It has got everything and much more, from delicious pasta salad to haberdashery, writing paper and cards. Glenn and Tony are always around to make you feel welcome and they also have Read more...
Phone: 079 776 3728
Email: info@starways.org
Starways Arts Centre was founded in 1991 by newly weds Gwyneth Lloyd and Anton van der Merwe. At the time the property was covered in brambles and pine trees, with no running water, electricity or dwellings. After moving their belongings and an entire wood-framed house from Johannesburg, the couple set up camp – literally – and began to build their Read more...