Self Catering in Hogsback

Liquid Amber in HOgsback

We have awesome self catering options available, from budget cottages to upmarket establishments for the discerning traveler. Our self catering community go to extreme lengths to make sure that you have a great time unwinding in our little village.

If you do not want to phone around to find out who has space available for your time away, make use of our free Central Reservation request form which go out to all self catering hosts. The places that still have space available for your required time, will revert to you with prices and features.  You can also have a peak preview of what each place offer, using the listings below.

If you want to narrow it down, see the following tags:

King’s Lodge Hotel

Wild Fox Hill Eco Camping

Swallowtail Country Estate

Never Daunted

Historic Hogsback Inn

Back O’The Moon

Granny Mouse House


Prairie Wind

River Running Cottage